Narcissistic Parents

“The heritage of being a Daughter of a Narcissistic Mother just goes on and on – I’ve heard it described, bitterly, as the gift that keeps on giving.

We feel we cannot be our authentic true selves, even assuming we can figure out who that authentic self even is.

We suffer from low self-esteem, often to the level of self-loathing . . . We may believe we have no right to exist, and almost certainly feel that we’re never good enough, that we’re not acceptable, that at some deep down level we’re inherently flawed.

We either are forever self-sabotaging, or burdened with impossible perfectionism.

Although there is often euphoria when we make this discovery about NPD, as we realise we’re not crazy, that can be quickly followed by anger, grief  and bereavement, sadness, shame and guilt, and maybe even hatred.” –From Daughters of  Narcissistic Mothers